Shop New Hampshire Online

You certainly won’t find me shopping on Thanksgiving Day or camping out at Best Buy on Black Friday to be first in the door.   Most people I know don’t need another sweater or tie.  So, pour a glass of chardonnay, find your ipad, pull your chair up to the fireplace and come shop New Hampshire style with Steve, the lazy innkeeper.

Most people have too much stuff so I like to focus on experiences that bring folks together.

Uncle Bill and Aunt Sally no problem!  Bill and Sally will enjoy cooking together and sharing Polly’s Pancakes at home with the entire family. Good old fashion family time.

What about your photographer friend?  Say cheese, that right, Harman’s Cheese.  The best aged cheddar from Sugar Hill.

Yes I know, Henry also likes cheese but cheddar is just too conventional.  Take a walk on the wild side and order him cheese from the Landaff Creamery.  He will be the only one on the block with genuine Landaff cheese.

Don’t be jealous but in Northern New Hampshire we really have the perfect Norman Rockwell Christmas.  If only we could bottle the experience so you could cheer up those unfortunate friends of yours spending December in sunny Florida.  Too bad, they never get snow.  I recommend maple syrup.  It’s New Hampshire in a bottle.

Want to bring back the good old days.  Send a gift box from Chutters.  They will fill it with all that candy that you remember from your childhood.  No tantrums please!

If you have a coffee Otaku then coffee from White Mountain Coffee may be your thing.  No it is not grown in the mountains high above Franconia but it is blended and roasted in New Hampshire. Sorry if I made you look for the dictionary.

So where’s the beef.  It’s at the North Country Smokehouse along with his porky pig.

Ok, ok, enough with the food.  The League of NH Craftsmen have wonderful unique one of the kind crafts.

Still not sure, visit the made in New Hampshire website

I saved the best and the easiest your last.  Gift certificates from the Sugar Hill Inn will certainly revive the lost art of the hand written thank you note.  They are good for both lodging and dining and are available in any amount.  They can be ordered any time of day from the inn’s website.


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